Wednesday 18 May 2011

Time catching up

Not today, tomorrow, or someday soon.
written in August of 2008. 

it was drizzling, and there was a slight wind that touched our faces. we, at the moment, were quite sure of the place we are at that time. me, standing close to her, staring at her lovely face and she, looking directly at my eyes as if searching my entire soul. i put my hands around her waist, as she placed hers around my neck. i gave her a warm hug. that time, we were solitary. i never felt more secured. she, tightly pressing her whole entity into mine.. i. gently putting her close to me as if we've never seen each other for a long time. it seemed like it lasted for hours, even though the fantasy lasted for only about a quarter of a minute.. i wanted it never to last.. i knew, i could be in that same spot and do the same thing for a day or maybe two. i softly whispered words, that i know she didn't hear. as we return to our own existence, softly removing our locked hands, she leaned to me and kissed me. that was it. in the middle of the cold night, i felt the warmest lips gently touching my face.

Before we parted ways, i whispered to her, "if people always leave.. and you or i have to leave one day.. that day won't be today, tomorrow, or someday soon. as long as i can, i'll be here."

there were no stars in the sky. but i surely held one, in my hands that night.

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