Wednesday 3 November 2010


So I’m moving my blog again. I’ve had 3 blogs since I started writing. The first one was my LJ account, which contains my emotionally-driven highschool life. I think it was my most active blog. My second one is a tumblr account. It’s pretty cool how you can follow people, repost and whatever. But I wasn’t just at peace writing there. Maybe with the pressures of seeing so many good bloggers/writers and I just can’t see myself amongst them. I never had confidence in my writing because I write randomly. I write when I’m in the mood and I write when I’m motivated. Haha which is quite common for most, if not all, writers. But I still don’t consider myself ‘good’.

Mindbowlofsoup somehow means this blog would contain whatever it is on my mind. And they’re not necessarily true, or serious or factual. So no one would get to judge whatever I write. They can be as light as air (whatever!) or as heavy as a titanic sinking at the bottom of the deep cold ocean. The soup will have different kinds of tastes, depending on which part of the mind I tap. So for your taste, some of it may be sweet some will be sour or bitter or spicy; actually depends on your perspective. I cook the soup and serve it. And we all get to taste it differently.

It’s quite fun writing. For a mind such as mine-- who isn’t gifted enough to draw a fine-looking tree, contents himself with stick-figure humanoids (not even look humans!) and cant even color a 7-year old coloring book-- writing is my way of getting out of the gray.  

Enjoy the soup!

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